19th Oct 10:30am -12pm - Digital Wellbeing for school age children with Griffin Longley Nature Play WA

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19th Oct 10:30am -12pm - Digital Wellbeing for school age children with Griffin Longley Nature Play WA


Funded by Parenting Connection

Getting the screen-time balance right is one of the great challenges of modern parenthood. How much time on screens is too much? How can technology be a positive force in kids’ lives? What does the research say about digital wellbeing? And what are the trends in how kids interact with technology and what are some practical strategies for getting the balance right. Find out at this inspiring and informative session with Nature Play WA CEO Griffin Longley.

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Your presenter - Griffin Longley,

Chief Executive Officer, Nature Play WA

Griffin Longley is the CEO of Nature Play WA, an inaugural Board Member of the WA Parks Foundation, an award-winning journalist, a former weekly columnist with The West Australian Newspaper, and the founder of a program for at risk kids in the Midland, Fremantle and Mandurah areas called Night Hoops.

In 2010 the WA Department of Sport and Recreation gave Griffin the task of building an incorporated association, Nature Play WA Inc. to promote the importance of unstructured play outside and in nature.

Venue - Ngala Training Room

Address- 24 Gregory St

Time - 9:45am - 10:45am

Creche Available - please complete form